The Mind of Christ
1 Corinthians 2:16 -- "But we have the mind of Christ."
Thinking is powerful.
Thoughts are powerful.
Thoughts influence everything about us.
Thoughts can be good or bad; God-pleasing or God-displeasing.
As a Christian, one born again and indwelt supernaturally by the Spirit of God, I do not have to think thoughts that dishonor God. I have been set free by the Lord Jesus Christ. I am no longer a slave to my flesh or to Satan. I can think on things that are noble and praiseworthy, thoughts that are pure and lovely. I can resist, by the Power that is within, the enemy who seeks to undo me and destroy me. The enemy, Satan, is a loser. He lost at Calvary -- my sin debt was paid in full. He lost on the third day when Christ rose again -- and now He has secured and given to me new life. This is the gift of salvation -- Jesus, my Righteousness.
In this war, the beaten enemy continues to fight. As I have received God's indescribable gift, I also have a responsibility. To gird up the loins of my mind; to keep my mind in gear; to keep my eyes focused on the prize, on the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. I must stand, and stand firm against the wiles of the devil, I must resist the devil, flee from immorality and walk as Jesus walked. Oh how I need His grace -- His strength -- His wisdom -- His peace -- His presence. May I pray and seek Him every moment, every day -- "Father lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from the evil one. For Thine is the power and the glory forever and ever."