Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Gone A Spell

It has been quite awhile since the last entry, but that's OK with me . . . unlike some in the blogosphere, this is not THAT important. However, it is fun to express one's self, so here goes. We have been out of town for a break, a change of scenery, a change of pace. The oldest starts school next week, R will soon be concentrating on a new venture, and Z . . . well Z is Z.
As I read more and more, there seems to be a desire on the part of many to "just get along" and never deal with the hard issues; on the other hand there are those who seem to refuse to obey the teaching of the Lord Jesus when He said "speak the truth . . . in love." Why is this so hard? Probably because we all battle sin and the sin nature. Its like we can't disagree without being disagreeable, and then thiose who just want to get along get all bent out of shape by the former. On and on it goes, and there is little to no peace and the lost continue to careen to hell while we play our parlor games in the blogosphere and in the press. (I speak of Southern Baptist life and the religious world in general.)
On a positive note, our church is showing the Jesus film this week and seeking to draw awareness to the Jesus DVD project for our county -- getting the film into every household at the cost of $3.25 per household. We showed it last night in the sanctuary on the big screen and seemed to have a good response. I never see the movie that I am not touched at the great love of the Savior. I also am convicted by the COMMAND from the Lord to carry the good news to every creature, and think I/we could do so much more, with much more urgency and passion. Joyfully rescuing our neighbors from hell . . . may this be my/our mission.
Glenn left this weekend after serving us 9/10 weeks as our youth minister, and he did a tremendous job. He truly was an answer to prayer. He was extremely dedicated to his task. I predict that Glenn will go far in the Lord's service -- with his brillance and work ethic. We will be glad to say "I knew him when . . . " Godspeed Glenn.
There are lots of folks in our faith community that need our prayers - some on prayer list and some not. Please pray, be fervent in prayer, God works as His people pray, and prayer changes us as we get more and more into His presence, and as we lift our brothers and sisters up we love them more and more. AS the Lord brings folks into remembrance may we stop then and there and lift them up to the throne of grace.
Finally in this closing thought - - - rejoice in the Lord!


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