Saturday, June 24, 2006

Man On The Run

I had an intersting conversation with my father recently concerning the recent Southern Baptist Convention -- he is a true veteran and was there at the beginning of the conservative resurgance with Art Ballard and others. We both agreed that it is healthy for new faces, outside of the inner circle faces, to be in leadership positions. This is not my claim, but it does hold true in most circumstances -- power is corrupting, and I believe the messengers of the SBC want to avoid corruption in our denomination. With all of the limiting and narrowness we see wanting to happen at the IMB for instance, is not all good. The 2000 BF&M is quite explicit, and I say let it stand and guide our boards and convention, all under the authority of God's holy Word. I applauded my dear friend Dennis Conner several years ago when he put forth my friend Al Jarrell as a candidate for president, and Al received some 30% of the vote -- that sent stronger shockwaves than the inner circle suspected. Al was ready to stand again if need be. I am thankful for what our great God is going to do with the SBC - including all the churches and members - as we look to Him and obey Him. As I read Cal Thomas today and the mess the Episcopalians (sp) are in - they don't even know what to call sin; afraid they'll offend - I am SO thankful for the strong shoulders we stand on as a Convention. May we ever stand for truth.


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